I've started checking out books at my local library. What a great way to save money! Plus, since I'm still a college student, I can check out ten books at a time. Like I'd ever have time for that...
Next on my list is How to be Popular. I believe it is more of a young adult read...but I'm looking forward to it nonetheless. Meg Cabot rocks! I'll probably be heading back to the libray this week to see what other reads I can score!
I *heart* Meg Cabot. You should see if you can find some of her old books, before she was "Meg Cabot". She did several trashy romances under a pen name. BUT, they're actually not that trashy. Well, they sorta are, but they have a great plot to go along with the trash. I was really impressed.
Ohh, maybe this will finally inspire me to go to the library! I have been slacking on my reading and I think having a "due date" might help. Plus, it's way cheaper!
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